Letter from Duncan Grant to Leonard Woolf (1923) [2]

  • Image of handwritten letter from Duncan Grant to Leonard Woolf  (1923) [2] page 1 of 1




[[MS 2750/133/24/]]


[pre-printed letterhead] 46, Gordon Square, Bloomsbury.






Dear Leonard,


Thanks for the photos. I dont [sic] the photo bad. It is a rather pale picture it might be worth while asking Newberry to let you have as dark a print as possible. I send you back the one I wanted. I dont [sic] know why he did both I told him specially to do only me. I wrote to you about Helen Rowe yesterday & am expecting the Polytechnicx one any day.


Y[ou]rs | Duncan Grant


x i.e. Swimmers.

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Reproduced with permission from the copyright holder, courtesy of Penguin Random House Archive and Library. Held at The University of Reading Special Collections. This item is not made available with a CC-BY-NC-ND licence, it cannot be downloaded and shared.

Source: MS 2750/133/24

Image Rights Holder: © Estate of Duncan Grant. All rights reserved, DACS 2023

Letter from Duncan Grant to Leonard Woolf (1923) [2]



University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Duncan Grant thanks Leonard Woolf for the photographs and remarks on print quality. He also sends a photograph back.

Handwritten letter signed by Grant