Letter from Ivan Bunin to The Hogarth Press (17/08/1922)

  • Image of handwritten letter rom Ivan Bunin to The Hogarth Press (17/08/1922) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/38/1]]


[*Mon adresse*]


Jean (Ivan) Bounine 
91, Rue de Tours, 
Amboise (Indre et Loire) 






J'ai bien reçu votre lettre du 25 juillet 1922 dont j'accepte toutes les conditions incluses.


Ayez la bonté de bien vouloir m'envoyer les hororaires[?] [horaires?] dont vous parlez - et recevez mes salutations distingués


J. Bounine | (I. A. Bunin) [signature]


P.S. Ayez la bonté de bien vouloir m'envoyer aussi 10 ou 5 exemplaires de "Gentl. from S. Francisco"




[*My address*]


Jean (Ivan) Bounine 
91, Rue de Tours, 
Amboise (Indre et Loire) 






I have received your letter of the 25 July 1922 and I accept all the conditions included in it.


Please be so good as to send me the schedule[?] which you mention - and accept my very best wishes.


J. Bounine | (I. A. Bunin) [signature]


P.S. Please be so good as to send me 10 or 5 copies also of "Gentl. from S. Francisco"

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with permission from the estate of the author, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK archive and library. This item is not made available through a CC BY-NC-ND licence.

Source: MS 2750/38/1

Image Rights Holder: Estate of Ivan Bunin

Letter from Ivan Bunin to The Hogarth Press (17/08/1922)



University of Reading, Special Collections

Bunin writes in thanks of a previous letter and asks for 5 or 10 copies of The Gentleman from San Francisco


[Please see the transcription tab for a translation]




Manuscript letter signed by Bunin written in the French language