[[MS 2750/133/34/]]
46 Gordon Square.
Dear Leonard
I do not at all want you to think I want to get out of letting you do my book. That is not the case unless you wish it. I specially refused Benns [sic] previous offer because I so keenly preferred being part of your series. But your series being knocked on the head I simply wonder whether it might not be better for both of us if it could be arranged that I should [1 illeg. character crossed out] be joined to the other series. I think it quite possible that a single book about painting published by you might not have a very great sale wheras [sic] a series advertises itself as it progresses & old numbers would always have a chance of a sale. But this is merely an idea of my own & may not be true.
I think really it must be for you to decide what to do. Roger apparently had a conversation with Reece who works for Benn & who said he thought it quite possible that Benn might buy [illeg. characters crossed out] the book over from you. But anything you decide I shall agree to & really have no very violent feelings [illeg. characters crossed out] one way or the other as I merely think it a very unfortunate accident that things should have turned out as they have.
Y[ou]rs | D.G. [handwritten initials]