Printing, binding, delivery and information relating to The Village in the Jungle

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[[MS 2750/545/1]]


Author:- L. S. Woolf




Season of publication:- Autumn 1931. Reprint


Printer:- Lowe and Brydone


Number to be printed:- 1200


Promised date of delivery of sheets:-


Binder: [*Ship*] [Ship Binding Works]


Number to be bound: [*1300 500*]


First binding:-


Second binding:-


Third binding:-


Promised date of delivery of bound copies: [*July*]


Provisional date of publication:


Date of publication finally fixed:- [*Sept[ember]. [19]17.*]


Price:- [*7/6*]

Source: MS 2750/545/1

Printing, binding, delivery and information relating to The Village in the Jungle


University of Reading, Special Collections

Production Sheet for the Printing of 12000 copies of The Village in the Jungle printed by Lowe and Brydone with the date of publication, delivery of bound copies, and the price associated.

Typescript document with hand annotations