The Victory of Reason A Pamphlet on Arbitration

Image of red front cover of "The Victory of Reason A Pamphlet on Arbitration"


front cover of "The Victory of Reason A Pamphlet on Arbitration"

Rights Statement:

The Vanessa Bell illustration featured on the cover is reproduced with permission from the copyright holder. This item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence and cannot be downloaded and shared.

Source: E.J. Pratt Library

Image Rights Holder: © Estate of Vanessa Bell. All rights reserved, DACS 2023.

The Victory of Reason A Pamphlet on Arbitration





Dust Jacket Designer:


This is a clear and thorough history of arbitration with an explanation of the current state of conciliation with some generally pacificist overtones and a desire to make practical the implementation of peaceful arbitration as opposed to armed combat for settling international disputes. The pamphlet provides a very clear, thoughtful, interesting and prescient inter-war reaction to conflict. Appendices include a list of books for further reading, Article 10 of the Geneva Protocol, 1924 and Article 36 of the Statues of the Permanent Court for International Justice.