Letter from The Hogarth Press to Cambridge University Press (21/06/1940)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Hogarth Press to Cambridge University Press (21/06/1940) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/567/76]]


University Press,



21st June, 1940.


Dear Sirs,


Sackville-West - Pepita [*X*]

Woolf - Orlando [*X*]

Woolf - To the Lighthouse

Woolf - The Waves


In reply to your letter of June 18th asking permission to use one extract from Pepita, Orlando and To the Lighthouse and two extracts from The Waves in a new school text-book by Professor R.L.G. Ritchie, we shall be glad to give you such permission on payment of a nominal fee of half a guinea as we understand from what you say that each extract is only about 20 lines long.


Yours faithfully, | THE HOGARTH PRESS, | Manager.


[*See letter from U[niversity].P[ress]. dated 18.6.[19]40. L[?] Pepita.*]



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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections.

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Source: MS 2750/567/76

Letter from The Hogarth Press to Cambridge University Press (21/06/1940)


University of Reading, Special Collections

The Hogarth Press grants permission to include excerpts from Pepita, Orlando: A Biography, To the Lighthouse, and The Waves in a book for a fee.

Typescript letter unsigned