Letter from The Hogarth Press to W. H. Hammond (03/01/1935)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Hogarth Press to W. H. Hammond (03/01/1935) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/567/49]]


W. H. Hammond Esq.,

22, Bayham Road,




January 3rd. 1935.


Dear Mr. Hammond,


ORLANDO - (9/- Edition).


In reply to your letter of January 2nd, the negative you ask for has probably been destroyed. I think I told you when you originally rang me up that we had not the photograph and that we thought it had been returned to Miss Sackville West, but it is a very long time ago and I do not really know where the photograph or negative are. There seems to me no difference from the point of view of copyright, whether you have a photograph from the negative, or a pull from the block. I should have thought that a letter to the Worthing Museum would have settled the question of copyright infringement. We will return the 5/- to you if you decide not to proceed.


Yours faithfully, | THE HOGARTH PRESS. | MANAGER.



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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections.

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Source: MS 2750/567/49

Letter from The Hogarth Press to W. H. Hammond (03/01/1935)


University of Reading, Special Collections

The Hogarth Press expresses that they are unsure of the location of both photograph and negative for an image printed in Orlando: A Biography. They think the negative may have been destroyed

Typescript letter unsigned