[[MS 2750/487/10/]]
Neill & Co Ltd
212 Causewayside
21 August, 1925
Dear Sirs,
With reference to your estimate No 3259, I should be able to accept it if it were not for the item for binding. In all other respects it compares favourably with an estimate which I have had from a large London firm; but their quotation for binding per 100 copies is £2-19-0 as against your £4-12-0. Would it be possible for you by using other cloth or lettering to reduce the cost to £2-19-0 per 100, and if so, could you let me see sample of cloth?
Would you at the same time let me know the additional cost of printing 1 200 instead of 1000 copies?
Would you be good enough to reply direct to me at the following address:- Monk's House, Rodmell, near Lewes, Sussex.
Yours faithfully | Leonard Woolf [signature]