Letter from The Garden City Press Ltd. to The Hogarth Press (24/06/1930)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press Ltd. to The Hogarth Press (06/24/1930) Page 1 of 3
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press Ltd. to The Hogarth Press (06/24/1930) Page 2 of 3
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press Ltd. to The Hogarth Press (06/24/1930) Page 3 of 3

[[MS 2750/96/4]]



Estimate NO. Please state number when ordering LS/ AIG. Ho/ 12893.

Terms: Monthly Net.




Messrs. The Hogarth Press, 
52, Tavistock Square, 
London  W.C.1.

June 24th, 1930


We have pleasure in submitting the following specification and price for your approval. Your further instructions will receive our immediate attention.

[*Paid 34- 19- 7*]

[* one word illeg. 150pp*]


Novel, ‘Drifting Men,’ size crown 8vo [Crown Octavo]

To make approximately 160 pages, inclusive of 6 pages prelims. and 3 blanks at the end

Composition, set in 12/13 1/2 point basket- ville, 27 lines deep plus headline = 20 x 32 ems overall, as our specimen page here- with and machining in black ink on paper to be supplied to us in size 30 x 40:-

1000 copies                £36. 17. 6.

Galley proofs to be sent to you ten days after receipts of official order.

Jacket ‘Drifting Men,’ size when open approximately 17. ½ x 7. 1/2 , printed from type on spine and line block on front side in one colour on paper as our sample here + with marked ‘A' :-

1025 copies                £2. 5. 0.

Blocks to be supplied to us.

[*?*] [handwritten in the margin]

Subjects to the conditions as over contd.




[This page contains a list of 11 standard terms and conditions]





Jacket, "Drifting Men," size approximately 17.1/2 x 7.1/2, printed from type on spine and front from half-tone block, in one colour, on Imitation Art paper, as our sample herewith marked 'B':-

1025 copies                £2. 2. 0


Blocks to be supplied to us


Yours faithfully, | The Garden City Press LTD | [signature unidentified initials]                     

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with permission from the copyright holder, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections. This item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence

Source: MS 2750/96/4

Image Rights Holder: © CPI Print UK

Letter from The Garden City Press Ltd. to The Hogarth Press (24/06/1930)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Provides composition and jacket, estimates for Drifting Men.