Letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (07/12/1938)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (07/12/1938) page 1 of 4
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (07/12/1938) page 2 of 4
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (07/12/1938) page 3 of 4
  • Image of typescript letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (07/12/1938) page 4 of 4



[[MS 2750/538/1/3]]




Messrs. The Hogarth Press, 
52, Tavistock Square, 
LONDON       W.C.1.

Dec. 7th, 1938.


Estimate No. LS/ALG. Ho/24558. Please state number when ordering[.] Terms: Monthly 5%.


[*500 = 1        12.      10.

                        1.         8

                        13.      6*]


We have pleasure in submitting the following specification and price for your approval. Your further instructions will receive our immediate attention.


“The Hotel,”, size Crown 8vo [Octavo]., to make approx.

112 pp. inclusive of 6 pp. prelims


Composing 11/12 pt. Baskerville, 20 x 28 1/2 ems

overall as out specimen page herewith @                      £4.15. 6.

                                                                                                Per 32 pp. [*—*]

Imposing for machine          Per 32 pp @                         £-.15. 9.


Machining from type on paper supplied to

Printer in size 40 x 30:-

1000 copies, 112 pages                                                     £6. 8. 6.

Paper required 3 reams 11 1/2 quires 40 x 30, 516’s. [*4 v[?].*]


1050 copies Book Jacket for Crown 8vo. Volume,

printed spine and front and blurb on one flap,

from type only in one colour, on “Curzon”

Cover paper, substance 44 lb. 18 x 23                            £2.19. 6.


Binding 500 copies, size Crown 8vo., 112 pages,

sewn in 16’s, two tapes, plain ends, edges cut,

rounded and backed. Bound in “Empire” Cloth,

20 oz. boards. Blocked one run of ink on spine.

Jacketted                                                                               £1.13. 4. [*X*]

                                                                                                Per 100.

Brasses or Stereos extra.


“The Hotel,” size 5.1/4 x 8.1/4, to make approx.

68 pp. inclusive of 6 pp. prelims


Composing 12/13 pt. Baskerville, 21 x 36 1/4 ems

overall, as our specimen page herewith @                     £5.10. 0.

                                                                                                Per 32 pp.






[this page contains a list of printers' standard terms and conditions]




[Pre-printed letterhead] Continuation Sheet No. 1. Estimate No. Ho/24558. The Garden City Press Ltd., Letchworth.


Imposing for Machine Per 32 pp. @                                 £-.15. 9.


Machining from type 1000 copies, 68 pages, on

paper supplied to Printer in size 45 x 35                          £4.16. 6.


Paper required 2 reams 3 quires 45 x 35, 516’s.


1050 copies Book Jacket for a Demy 8vo. Volume,

printed spine and front and blurb on one flap,

from type in one colour, on “Curzon” cover

paper in substance 44 lbs. 18 x 23                                   £3.10. 0.


Binding 500 copies, size 5.1/4 x 8.1/4, 68 pp.

sewn in 16’s, two tapes, plain ends, edges cut,

rounded and backed. Bound in “Empire” Cloth,

20 oz. boards. Blocked one run of ink,

jacketted @                                                                           £1.18. 0.

                                                                                                Per 100.

Brasses or Stereos extra.


If flat back, first lined only:-


Allowance Per 100 copies @                                             £-. 2. 0.


Yours faithfully, | THE GARDEN CITY PRESS LTD. | LS [signature]

Rights Statement:


Reproduced with permission from the copyright holder, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections.

This item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence

Source: MS 2750/538/1/3

Image Rights Holder: © CPI Print UK

Letter from The Garden City Press to The Hogarth Press (07/12/1938)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

The Garden City Press write to submit an estimate relating to the machining, and printing of 1000 or 1050 copies and the binding of 500 copies

Typescript letter initialled by L.S [unidentified initials]