Letter from Donald Brace to Leonard Woolf (24/01/1927)

  • Image of typescript letter from Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc. to Leonard Woolf (24/01/1927)  page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/537/6]]






Leonard Woolf, Esq. 
52 Tavistock Square 
London, W.C.1


January 24, 1927.


Dear Mr. Woolf:


Many thanks for the proofs of your books of Essays. They make a very interesting and pleasant volume and one which we shall be very glad to publish. Volumes of essays, however, have no very wide sale just now, as I expect you know, and I believe it would be better for us to take sheets of your edition than to set up independently here. I should have liked to include the essay, “Hunting the Highbrow,” which is, of course, impossible if we take sheets, but I doubt if its inclusion would be important enough to warrant independent typesetting.


I should be glad if you would give me a quotation for 520/500 and for 780/750 folded and gathered sheets. Your quotation may include royalty, or perhaps it would be better for you to let us have the sheets at proportionate cost and for us to pay you a 10% royalty of our list price on copies sold.


I have already told you that we should make no objection to your publishing in the spring, although it would have to be an autumn book with us.


I am very glad to hear that you may be coming over in the spring.


With kind regards, | Sincerely yours, | Donald Brace [handwritten signature]



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Reproduced with the permission of HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections.This item has not been made available with a CC BY-NC-ND licence

Source: MS 2750/537/6

Image Rights Holder: © HarperCollins Publishers Ltd

Letter from Donald Brace to Leonard Woolf (24/01/1927)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Donald Brace writes concerning receipt of proofs and the publishing of Essays on Literature. He remarks that volumes of essays do not presently sell widely and asks for sheets of the Hogarth edition rather than printing their own. He mentions that he would have liked to take Hunting the Highbrow, but will now be impossible without sheets. Brace asks for a quote regarding sheets and asks about how royalty payments should be determined. He mentions that Woolf may be visiting in the Spring.

Typescript letter signed by Brace