Letter from John Lehmann to Vanessa Bell (30/07/1931)

  • Image of typescript letter from John Lehmann to Vanessa Bell (30/07/1931) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/575/6]]


Mrs. Bell*1
Firle, Nr. Lewes, 






Dear Mrs. Bell,


Here is the dummy for Virginia's*2 book, for you to design the jacket from. Virginia said she would abide by your decision about the question of a coloured top to the book. Shall there be one? If so, what tint should it be? But I expect you will be seeing Virginia. I hope you will be able to let us have the design soon.


I was sorry to hear that Julian had had a touch of sunstroke. But Helen writes that he is better now.


Yours sincerely, | J[ohn] L[ehmann] [signature]




1. Vanessa Bell 
2. Virginia Woolf

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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections.
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Source: MS 2750/575/6

Letter from John Lehmann to Vanessa Bell (30/07/1931)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Lehmann requests jacket design, providing dummy book.

Typescript letter initialled by Lehmann