[[MS 2750/93/37]]
27 - 6 - [19]23
Dear Mrs Joad
I go home tomorrow. Thank you for your letter, and it's best to put the new edition through with all possible speed, so we will do without proofs. I enclose a list of corrections and there are two other points.
(i) I would like the positions of The Solitary Place and Between the Sun & the Moon reversed. Could you please instruct the printer to do this, and also of course to reverse the same in the Table of Contents.
(ii) Our printing wasnt [sic] consistent. e.g.: paragraphs in the introduction begin further than to the right than elsewhere in the book, sometimes the line is dropped before a quotation, sometimes it isnt [sic], and there are quotation marks round the extracts in 'Eliza' but no one else where else. I suppose the printer won't imitate our inconsistencies. Still it may be safer to tell them not to, and to follow their ordinary standards, whatever they are.
Is the book to be bound in the same paper (over stiff paper)? That would be best, I think. If anything else is
in view, please might I see a specimen.
I suppose the Dedication can be reprinted from our own block.
'The Story of a Siren' may possibly be coming out in the 'Atlantic', please tell Leonard.
Your [2 words illeg.] | E M Forster [signature]