Letter from The Hogarth Press to Walter Clement (06/07/1939)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Hogarth Press to Walter Clement (06/07/1939) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/23/10]]


Walter Clement, Esq., 
24c Clifton Gardens, W.9.


­6th July, 1939.


Dear Sir,


In reply to your letter of July 5th, we shall be glad to give you permission to use the extracts from Mrs. Woolf's books and from Francis Birrell's Black Sheep in [cross in right hand margin] [*X*] "More Portraits of a Lifetime (1918-1938)", provided the usual acknowledgements are made to ourselves as publishers. I return the galley proofs with many thanks.


Yours faithfully, | THE HOGARTH PRESS | Manager.



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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections.

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Source: MS 2750/23/10

Letter from The Hogarth Press to Walter Clement (06/07/1939)


University of Reading, Special Collections

The Hogarth Press grant Clement's permission to quote request.

Typescript letter unsigned