Letter from The Hogarth Press to Herbert Reiach Ltd (19/08/1927)

  • Image of typescript letter from The Hogarth Press to Herbert Reiach Ltd (19/08/1927) page 1 of 1



[[MS 2750/560/3]]


P. R. Balckmore [sic] Esq. 
Herbert Reiach Ltd. 
43 Belvedere Road, 
S. E. 1.


August 19th 1927.

Dear Mr Blackmore,




We should be much obliged if you would so kindly let us have an estimate for printing a limited edition of 500 copies of the above, alternatively on Michallet printing paper and on imitation hand made paper. Size Crown Quarto.


The text should be set in 18 pt. Caslon O. F. We should be obliged if you would kindly put this in hand at once and submit proofs; the artist will then draw in the decorations on the proofs and the blocks can then be made, either of the decorations alone, or of the decorations and the type together, whichever you consider more satisfactory.


In setting, the type should be ranged at the left side and should correspond exactly with the text as it is written on the enclosed MS. If there is any space this should be left at the right hand side of the page. That is to say, every line must be the length of the written line in the M[anuscript]


Yours faithfully | THE HOGARTH PRESS | Manager

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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections.

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Source: MS 2750/560/3

Letter from The Hogarth Press to Herbert Reiach Ltd (19/08/1927)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

The Hogarth Press request an estimate for the binding of 500 copies, and leave instruction on paper type, paper size and text style. The press ask if the artist should draw on the proofs alongside the text, or provide proofs with decoration only. In setting, they ask it to correspond exactly to the enclosed manuscript. [Manuscript not present at the time of cataloging]

Typescript letter, unsigned