[[MS 2750/72/6]]
5, Acacia Road
St John’s Wood, NW8
January 14, [19]48
Dear Leonard,
I have your letter of yesterday’s date about an offer for a reprint of “Stavrogin’s Confession”. I have no idea, who Newman Wolsey is, not [?] Crown Publishers of New York are. If they are honest publishers, they are ought to tell us what they mean by a reprint of an edition. (How many copies; what are their usual fees?)
A few years ago you assigned to me, in a letter, the copyrights in all our translations, yours and Virginia’s, published by the Hogarth Press, (Exactly, in all books that are out of print).
I would, therefore, ask you, - which will save you time and trouble, - to direct Newman Wolsey to me. I shall ask him to come here, - I have not been out of the house for many months, and cannot go to see people, - and if he [?] me as an honest man, and if his terms are fair, I shall let him have the right of printing an edition of Stavrogin’s Confession. If, however, I find that I do not like him, I shall not have any [?] to do work with him. -
By the way. Many months ago an [*?*] Indian publishers promised to pay £10 (?) for permission to print in an Indian anthology “The gentleman from San Francisco” translated by D. H. Lawrence and myself. Did they keep their promise and send the money?
Yours sincerely | S. S. Koteliansky [signature]
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