Letter from Piers Raymond to Harcourt Brace and Company Inc. (02/11/1949)

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[[MS 2750/551/9]]




Messrs. Harcourt, Brace & Co. Inc., 
383 Madison Avenue, 
New York 17, 
N.Y., U.S.A.


2nd November, 1949.


Dear Sirs,


Thank you for your letter of the 26th October. I think that your permission to allow William Jackson to export to the United States 150 copies and not 250 of Virginia Woolf’s new book, THE CAPTAIN’S DEATH BED, is very reasonable, and I am telling them so.


I am afraid production has been delayed over this book, and we are not anticipating to publish it before the Spring. As soon as we have proofs available, I will remind Mr. Woolf that he has promised to send you a copy.


with many thanks for your kind permission,


Yours faithfully, | SECRETARY.

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Reproduced with permission from Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press archive collection, held by the University of Reading Special Collections.

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Source: MS 2750/551/9

Letter from Piers Raymond to Harcourt Brace and Company Inc. (02/11/1949)


University of Reading, Special Collections

The Hogarth Press agrees to export only 150 copies of The Captain's Death Bed to the United States.


Typescript letter unsigned