Letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (31/07/1924)

  • Image of handwritten letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (31/07/1924), page one
  • Image of handwritten letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (31/07/1924), page two




[[MS 2750/255/15]]



Dear Woolf,


This is the copy for the printers of Chap[ter]. xvi. Chap[ter] xv I mean to send you tomorrow.


Two things trouble me. My economic analysis in Chap[ter]s. viii, xi and xv is based on data that are to some extent obsolete. I think I ought to say in a footnote in each chapter somewhere that such is the case. Also Chap[ter] xiv is





illwritten, illarranged [sic] and, perhaps, inaccurate. If I understood you aright the printer will not set up several chapters at once but one at a time. If so do you think he would return these chapters to me, say in a fortnight? I would guarantee not to make the book longer by alterations, if that is necessary.


Yours | Norman Leys [signature]

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with the permission of the estate of the author, courtesy of Penguin Random House Archive and Library. This item has not been made available through a CC By-ND-NC licence, please see our terms of use page for further detail

Source: MS 2750/255/15

Image Rights Holder: © Estate of Norman Leys

Letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (31/07/1924)



University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Norman Leys writes to Leonard Woolf about specific chapters. Leys also discusses troubles that he has with some of the content. He asks how the printers will set up the chapters, and if the chapters can be sent back to him.


Handwritten letter signed by Leys