Letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (30/07/1924)

  • Image of handwritten letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (30/07/1924) page 1
  • Image of handwritten letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (30/07/1924) page 2




[[MS 2750/255/14]]




Dear Woolf,


I enclose unrevised copy of Chap. XV. What I hope is that this copy, when you have done with it, will reach the three M.P.'s before they sail to Africa, and with it such a recommendation as will induce them all to read it before they land.


I also enclose, for your perusal, A[llen]. & U[nwin].'s letters. Their last makes no





reference to my request to know how pricing the book at 15/- would affect the terms they offered. Please return these letters.


I am profoundly grateful for your help and encouragement


Yours | Norman Leys [signature]

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with the permission of the estate of the author, courtesy of Penguin Random House Archive and Library. This item has not been made available through a CC By-ND-NC licence, please see our terms of use page for further detail

Source: MS 2750/255/14

Image Rights Holder: © Estate of Norman Leys

Letter from Norman Leys to Leonard Woolf (30/07/1924)



University of Reading, Special Collections

Archival Folder:

Norman Leys encloses a chapter and hopes that a copy of his book will reach certain MP's before they sail to Africa. He also encloses letters from Allen & Unwin and asks for them to be returned. [enclosures not present at the time of cataloguing]


Handwrittten letter signed by Leys