Letter from Margaret West to Macmillan Company of Canada (25/04/1934)




[[MS 2750/570/33]]


The Macmillan Company of Canada Ltd. 
St Martin's House. 
70, Bond Street 


April 25th.1934


Dear Sirs,


In reply to your letter of April 11th, we shall be glad to give you permission to quote the brief extracts you mention in The Art of the Novel by Professor Pelham Edgar, but I am a little puzzled by your reference to Mrs Woolf's Phases of Fiction. A book under that title was originally announced but was, in fact, never published. Instead Mrs Woolf wrote a book entitled A Room of One's Own and it may be that the extract you have in mind appears in that volume. Perhaps you will kindly let me know exactly what the extract is, and if it is described as being taken from Phases of Fiction I think probably the author should amend the statement in his English edition. It is of course understood that due acknowledgement will be made to Mrs Woolf as the author and to ourselves as the publishers.


Yours faithfully, | THE HOGARTH PRESS | Margaret West [signature] | Manager.

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Source: MS 2750/570/33

Letter from Margaret West to Macmillan Company of Canada (25/04/1934)


University of Reading, Special Collections

Margaret West writes to say they would be glad to grant permission to reprint excerpts of Woolf's writing in a forthcoming book, but requests clarification regarding the extract.

Typescript letter signed by West