[[MS 2750/560/5]]
Herbert Reiach Limited
43 Belvedere Road;
27 August, 1927
Dear Sirs,
I have discussed the matter with the artist as we arranged, I think the best way to proceed is that you should first set and send us proofs which we will correct. You will then send us a revise, at least four sets, pulled on good paper in final form. The artist will paste these up with her design to make complete pages from which you will be able to make blocks. The text and design will be printed on one side of the page only. I enclose a sample of paper which will do quite well for this book.
In your estimate please allow for half-title and title page the design of which will be sent later. I return the two sheets of copy which I took with me.
Yours faithfully |THE HOGARTH PRESS | Leonard Woolf [signature]
[*sent by [1 word illeg] LSW 27/8*]