Letter from G. Bell and Sons Ltd to The Hogarth Press (08/07/1931)




[[MS 2750/93/53]]


[*£4*] [pre-printed letterhead] G. BELL & SONS LTD PUBLISHERS YORK HOUSE  PORTUGAL STREET  LONDON W.C.2 [Logo of Bell & Anchor]




The Hogarth Press, 
52 Tavistock Square, 


8th July, 1931.


Dear Sirs,


Mr. Bloomfield has passed on to us your letter of the 11th June, and we have pleasure in enclosing our cheque for £4 for permission to include in his forthcoming anthology "For Travellers" an extract from Forster's "Pharos and Pharillon" and an extract from an essay by Leonard Woolf on the terms mentioned therein.


Acknowledgement of your kind permission will of course be made in the book itself.


We are, dear Sirs, | Yours faithfully, | G. BELL AND SONS, LTD. | D.C.E. [signature]


[*look up correspondence. [illeg. initials]*]

Rights Statement:

Reproduced with the permission of HarperCollins Publishers, courtesy of Penguin Random House UK Archive and Library owner of the Hogarth Press collection at the University of Reading Special Collections.

Source: MS 2750/93/53

Image Rights Holder: © HarperCollins Publishers Ltd

Letter from G. Bell and Sons Ltd to The Hogarth Press (08/07/1931)


University of Reading, Special Collections

D.C.E of George Bell and Sons write to enclose a cheque of £4 pounds in regards to a fee for permission to quote passages from works published by the Hogarth Press which includes a passage from Pharos and Pharillon. There are pencil annotations on the letter.

Typescript letter initialled by D.C.E